30分 3,000円x4=12,000円
1時間 6,000円x4=24,000円
1時間 7,000円x4=28,000円
お問い合わせ: 茂中太希道 080-1050-3326
Playing tennis has been extremely frustrating to me until I took the tennis lessons taught by coach Monaka. Despite only taking four lessons in total, I could feel great improvement in my tennis skills.
Coach Monaka breaks complex movements into several simple body positions, which helps me be able to complete the movements in an accurate manner. Also, he is an expert in spotting the problem of my every failed hit right away.
By his straightforward instructions, I quickly learned how to do forehand, backhand, and volley within a short time. The lessons are very enjoyable not merely because they are truly helpful, but also because of coach Monaka’s positive and enthusiastic teaching style.
I gained a lot of confidence from his consistent encouragement, and his enthusiasm in teaching fueled my passion for this sport! I’m looking forward to taking more lessons! Hoping to see you soon coach Monaka. (JLC)
コーチのレッスンは、趣味としてテニスを楽しむことも、スポーツとして上達を目指すこともできる、とても充実した内容です。週末に家族で楽しめる趣味を見つけたい方、スポーツとしてテニスを上達したい方、ぜひコーチのレッスンを受けてみてください! (M)
This summer, I returned to Coach Monaka’s tennis school to work on my game. Like many amateur players, I often rely on a defensive slice when the ball comes to my backhand, which has become a vulnerable spot, especially since I use a one-handed backhand. This weakness is problematic when opponents target my backhand, so I wanted to improve my slice to make it lower, heavier, and more controlled. Once again, Coach Monaka quickly identified the main issue: too much arm movement and not enough weight transfer from my body. Coach Monaka’s method for refining my slice was incredibly effective, addressing each detail to create a stronger foundation for my backhand. Through consistent practice and focused adjustments, I developed a sharper, more powerful slice over ten lessons. Now, I play with more confidence, knowing my technique is more complete and capable of holding up under pressure.
I feel ready to put up a good fight even against tough, consistent opponents.
Thank you, Coach Monaka. I truly enjoyed every lesson and greatly appreciate your invaluable guidance. (WK, 2024.11.12. )

I had taken many tennis lessons in the past 10+ years in Portugal, Japan and Taiwan. This summer I was very fortunate to take 10-week tennis lessons with Coach Monaka, a real pro tennis coach, at the Yuigahama tennis court. I consider myself as a recreational player with a good ball placement and pace in doubles, but I hope to improve my consistency in games. Coach Monica’s lessons were really good. He was able to spot my problems of forehand/backhand ground strokes and volleys and taught me how to fix them effectively with great details. I got improved tremendously in 10 lessons. Coach has a very cheerful and positive personality and is passionate about teaching tennis (I can feel it). It was truly a pleasure learning tennis from him. There are so many more things I can learn from him. I cannot wait to attend his lessons again next time when I visit Japan. (WK, 2022.09)
I returned to Kamakura for a break this winter and took additional 8 lessons with coach Monaka again. I used to miss many balls when volley at mid-court and really wanted to fix it. Coach Monaka set up a drill for me by hitting a crosscourt passing shot, followed by a mid-court volley. At beginning, I missed many easy balls at mid-court as usual. Coach Monaka was able to spot my problems and designed a series of drills from simple to advanced ones. Through these drills I naturally learned how to volley in a correct way that allow me to hit the ball with great power. I also picked up the right footwork for volley. I finally realized this was the reason why I was missing so many shots before. At the last 2 lessons, I took one step further by practicing mid -court volley right after serving the ball. Now I went back to Taiwan and implemented this tactic into my games. With this new tactic, my games become more creative. It is more fun to play in this way. My teammates are all surprised how much I have changed and improved in the game after coming back from Japan 😀 Thank you Coach Monaka! Hope to see you soon again in the summer!
(WK, 2023.02)
茂中コーチに出会うまで2年半くらい、大型のテニススクールでレッスンを受けていましたが、さっぱり上達せず、運動神経もないし、そんなものかとあきらめかけていました。茂中コーチについてから、目からウロコ。アドバイスがすごくシンプルでわかりやすく、(自分なりにですが)着実に上達を実感しています。なんでも褒めてのばしてくれるのでできなくても安心です!(KI, 2022.09)